Resource Center

Ready to uncomplicate and grow your IT business or career?
These resources will help you get there faster, with less stress.


The Highest-Rated Solutions for IT Professionals

Quantitative and qualitative insights into enterprise IT department challenges and priorities.

Learn how to build a proactive security strategy and gain a competitive edge.

Organizations can increase automation, enhance security, and improve resource optimization with NinjaOne


IT Ops

The Does and Don'ts of MDM

eBook: The Dos and Don’ts of MDM

Endpoint Monitoring and Alerting Playbook for MSPs featured

Endpoint Monitoring and Alerting Playbook for MSPs

Tome of Backup Best Practices

Tome of Backup Best Practices

How to Choose the Right Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Solution

Navigate the digital landscape with confidence by selecting the optimal UEM solution tailored to your needs.

Top 5 Endpoint Management Trends for IT

Uncover the history and future of endpoint management.

Software Deployment User Guide

Learn how to streamline your software deployment process and optimize efficiency.

IT Automation Maturity Matrix

Backup Buyer’s Guide

Find your next backup solution with the NinjaOne backup buyer's guide.

IT Manager’s Guide to Adopting an Automation Mindset

The Endpoint Defense Playbook

Lock down devices and automate security with NinjaOne.

Building a Lean IT Stack for Tech Companies

Learn how to make your IT stack more efficient with unified IT operations.

Patch Management Buyer’s Guide for IT Directors

Is it time for a new patch management solution?

End User Onboarding and Offboarding Checklist

Tackle the onboarding and offboarding process with a checklist that covers all of your bases.

Measuring Success in IT

Discover actionable formulas and tips for measuring the success of your IT organization.

Beating the Talent Shortage: IT Hiring & Recruiting Guide

Get tips on attracting and retaining rockstar IT employees, along with sample IT job descriptions, interview questions, and more.

The Pitfalls of IT Tool Sprawl

Eliminate the headache of tool sprawl by consolidating into a more cohesive tool stack.

Helpdesk Efficiency Guide

Learn how to turn automation and smarter organization into a killer efficiency combo.

Making The Case for Unified IT Management

Save time with a pitch that gets to the heart of what decision makers need to see, including a readiness checklist, executive briefs, a presentation deck, and a helpful ROI calculator.

Hybrid Work in 2022: How IT is Managing

See the latest statistics on how IT is managing the new challenges and opportunities of remote and hybrid work environments.

Proactive IT Management Guide

With the tech labor market being the tightest in recent history, doing more with less is imperative for any growth-focused IT business. Most IT helpdesks are built to handle incidents reactively, using a process that forces IT teams, to rely on a negative outcome before remediation can begin.

Backup Solutions for a Changing Workplace

With the right data protection tools, you can ensure data is backed up and restorable.
Global IT Technical Debt in 2021

Global IT Technical Debt in 2021

How Legacy Technology Impeded Post-Pandemic Growth.

Remote IAM

Wondering how to better manage devices for distributed workforces? Here is a guide on what MDM and RMM are, when to use them, how it works, and why you need them.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) vs Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

Wondering how to better manage devices for distributed workforces? Here is a guide on what MDM and RMM are, when to use them, how it works, and why you need them.
Adapting to the Digital Future: IT Efficiency in 2021

Adapting to the Digital Future: IT Efficiency in 2021

New research from NinjaOne found that 77% of businesses are spending more than 3 hours per endpoint per month on patch management. Read the full report to learn how manual processes could be costing IT teams time, money, and exposing them to new risk.
How to Automate 10 Common IT Time Wasters

How to Automate 10 Common IT Time Wasters

Get your how-to guide to tackling 10 of the most common IT time wasters. Learn how to reduce ticket volume 20%-50%, stop relying on end users to regularly reboot their devices, enable users to restore their own files and save time, and more.
What we do in the shadows: The Dangers of hidden IT behavior

Shadow IT Report

Shadow IT, or unmanaged devices or software, in an organization represents an opportunity for MSPs to deliver more value and tighten their clients’ security. The truth is, shadow IT isn’t so innocent and it carries the risk of violating data privacy laws, distorting IT budgets and more. Read more to get insight into how shadow IT is impacting the organization and how to turn security gaps into opportunities.
patch management guide preview

2023 Patch Management Best Practices Guide

Get insight into when to schedule patching scans and updates, how to configure patching approvals, the most common patching profiles, and more.
what to monitor for with rmm resources center

What Should You Be Monitoring with Your RMM? 28 Recommendations

Wondering what you should be monitoring with your RMM? This remote monitoring checklist will give you 28 recommendations to implement.

Making the Case for Remote Monitoring and Management

ninja tricks of the trade resources center

How to Remotely Manage BitLocker Disk Encryption Using PowerShell and NinjaOne

Still manually managing BitLocker disk encryption? Use NinjaOne and PowerShell to automate encryption along with collecting and storing recovery keys.
ninja tricks of the trade resources center

4 Ways to Remotely Uninstall Software (and Keep it Uninstalled with Automation)

Learn how NinjaOne can help you automate the process of remotely uninstalling software across client end-users or entire organizations.
Logo PowerShell February 21

Practical PowerShell for MSPs

Kelvin Tegelaar, author of the popular blog, provides simplified overviews of fundamental PowerShell concepts plus straightforward walkthroughs that put those concepts into action.
Logo: Microsoft OneDrive

Syncing a CSV with Active Directory

Adam Bertram of GitHub is back to tell you all about how to utilize PowerShell to sync information from CSVs with Active Directory. Check out his post to learn helpful tips, tricks, and safety precautions.
Cleaning up the Active Directory

3 Ways to Keep Active Directory Clean

Everyone knows the importance of a clean Active Directory, but it's finding the time to clean it that becomes the issue. Here are three ways we suggest for how to keep your Active Directory clean.
View all IT Ops resources

MSP Growth

Endpoint Monitoring and Alerting Playbook for MSPs featured

Endpoint Monitoring and Alerting Playbook for MSPs

2024 IT Priorities: Automation, Security and Consolidation Lead the Way featured

2024 IT Priorities On-Demand Webinar

Leading IT Trends for 2023: Embracing Automation, Security and Consolidation featured

Leading IT Trends for 2024: Embracing Automation, Security, and Consolidation

Top 5 Endpoint Management Trends for IT

Uncover the history and future of endpoint management.
A Warlock's Guide to Selling Security Services

A Warlock’s Guide to Selling Security Services

Learn the ways of selling cybersecurity in this handbook.

MSP Software Guide

Review the top players in our updated MSP Software Guide.

ReBootcamp 2023

Beating the Talent Shortage: IT Hiring & Recruiting Guide

Get tips on attracting and retaining rockstar IT employees, along with sample IT job descriptions, interview questions, and more.

Selling Endpoint Backup for Remote & Hybrid Environments

Your MSP sales pitch cheat sheet for selling backup.

MSP Ransomware Response Planning Checklist

Does your MSP have a have a formalized ransomware incident response plan? If not, use this checklist as a jump-start for building one out.

MSP Sales Process Guide & Checklists

Does your MSP have a formalized and repeatable sales process? If not, this helpful guide — with five actionable checklists — is a must-read.
Pre-paid block hours agreement

Pre-Paid IT Support Hours Agreement Template

Is a fully managed services agreement not quite the perfect fit for some clients? Try this template, instead.
patch management guide preview

2023 Patch Management Best Practices Guide

Get insight into when to schedule patching scans and updates, how to configure patching approvals, the most common patching profiles, and more.
how to use chatbots for msp marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Using Chatbots for MSP Lead Generation

Learn how chatbots can help you generate more leads for your MSP by responding to inbound interest faster and more effectively.
what to monitor for with rmm resources center

What Should You Be Monitoring with Your RMM? 28 Recommendations

Wondering what you should be monitoring with your RMM? This remote monitoring checklist will give you 28 recommendations to implement.
MSP Pricing Calculator graphic

Managed Services Pricing Calculator

Are your managed services offerings as profitable as they should be? Use this free calculator to determine your costs, margins, and optimal pricing.
msp sales cadences examples resources center

MSP Sales Cadences Stats: When and How Often to Reach Out to Leads

Looking to improve response rates for your MSP sales outreach? Find out what the numbers say about the best times to reach out and how many sales touches to plan for.
google my business msp resources center

Google My Business for MSPs

Looking for a low-hanging fruit opportunity to generate more leads for your MSP? Optimizing your Google My Business listing is a low-effort project that has big potential.
msp virtual lead generation resources center

19 MSP Lead Generation Ideas That Don’t Require Being In-Person

Looking for more MSP lead generation ideas now that you can't rely on in-person conferences and events? We've got you covered.
msp sales nurturing tips resources

How to Nurture and Convert Your Sales Leads

How do you turn cold leads into warm opportunities? Join us as we share examples of how to build appointment-winning sales cadences and email nurt ure campaigns with MSP marketing expert Kevin Clune.
managed services agreement template

Managed Services Agreement Template

Whether you're starting out with your first MSA or revisiting your current one, this example managed services agreement template will provide a solid basis for comparison. It's been updated to apply to these times, with Force Majeure language and sample clauses addressing remote work, payment deferrals, and more.
Updating MSA icon

Updating Your MSA for the New Normal

Find out what new terms and conditions MSPs need to consider adding to their managed services agreements to protect themselves from new liability and payment issues.
adapting sales and marketing to COVID

Adapting Sales and Marketing During the Crisis

For this week's MSP Live Chat we were joined by Kevin Clune, co-founder at MSP Growth Hacks, to answer a question we've been hearing a lot: "How are you supposed to be generating leads and new clients for your MSP during a time like this?"
adapting MSP client communication to COVID-19

Handling COVID-Related Requests for Discounts, Deferrals, and Cancellations

Hear how fellow MSPs are adapting their approach to client communication during this crisis, and how they're responding to requests for things like discounts, deferments, or contract changes.
Managed Services Agreement sample force majeure language

Adapting to COVID-19: Force Majeure Updates for Your Managed Services Agreement

If you're like many MSPs, you may be finding that your Managed Services Agreement doesn't adequately cover the current COVID-influenced circumstances. These sample clauses can help.
PPP financial aid explained

How to Get Financial Aid via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Trying to navigate the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to receive potentially business-saving financial aid for your MSP? Tune in to this MSP Live Chat session where accountant and financial advisor Joel Friend took on all questions.
MSP reactions to COVID-19

MSP Reactions to COVID-19

Watch our very first MSP Live Chat session where we invited MSPs together to talk openly about how they're coping with the COVID-19 crisis and finding solutions to their toughest challenges.
Title picture: six different people talking remote over the desktop with each other

Transitioning to a Remote Workforce, Quickly: Solving the Top 5 IT Challenges

From deploying software to securing endpoints, remote monitoring and management tools can help IT leaders navigate the biggest hurdles to supporting a remote workforce.
msp marketing brochure design help

How to Design Your Own MSP Marketing Brochure

Here’s everything you need to know to go from blank slate to printable MSP marketing brochures that prospects will be delighted to receive — no design degree required!
MSP Retargeting Ad Strategy

Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting Ads

The real trick to MSP marketing isn't getting prospects to visit your website, it's getting them to come back. That's where retargeting ads come in.

Turning Customer Feedback into Rocket Fuel

Cory Brown, co-founder of Simplesat, shares ways you can collect more meaningful feedback, more easily, and then transform it into actionable business insights and marketing materials for your MSP.
MSP quarterly business review strategy

Top 5 MSP Strategies for Using Your QBR as a Sales Tool

Lifecycle Insights Chief Customer Experience Officer Alex Farling explains the untapped potential of using quarterly business reviews (QBRs) to close deals and drive new business. 

The Complete MSP Marketing Guide to Advertising on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram

Wondering if advertising your MSP on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or even Instagram is worth it? This guide will walk you through everything you need to consider and get you ready to launch successful campaigns.
msp website examples

Video: Tearing Down the Best MSP Websites

We see a lot of MSP websites. Here are the ten that impressed us most with their engaging layouts, compelling copy, high-quality imagery, and stories that convert.
paid search ads for msps

The Ultimate Guide to Paid Search Ads for MSPs

Looking to dial up your MSP marketing and want to learn more about how investing in paid search ads work? This practical guide is for you.
The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for MSPs

The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for MSPs

Have big ambitions for growing your MSP business in 2020? One key component of your marketing strategy needs to be mastering local SEO. Use this guide to get your MSP moving up in the ranks.
MSP website design tips

Building the Right MSP Website: How to Get More Visitors and Leads

Is your MSP website generating new leads for your business? If not, it may be time for an update. This guide shares all the tips and tools you'll need to do it right.
msp marketing ideas to steal

Creative Direct Mail Ideas to Steal

Want to win over new clients for your MSP business? Don’t overlook the power of direct mail. I’ve built a career on successful direct mail campaigns, and I’m sharing my tried-and-true secrets here.
How to get more MSP referrals

7 Tactics for Getting More Referrals

Referrals are one of the most powerful and affordable ways to generate new MSP customers. Learn how to increase your volume and frequency of referrals without coming across as pushy or desperate.
Advice on Starting a Managed Services Provider Business

Building a $6 Million MSP Business: 5 More Things I Wish I’d Known

Aaron Underhill of Dedicated IT shares tough, honest advice for new owners starting managed services provider businesses, and explains how his company has been able to grow its revenue 10x in five years, hitting $6 million in ARR.
MSP Success Stories: Ivan Spencer-Phillips

How Firing Customers Fueled This MSP’s Growth

In this edition of MSP Zen meet an MSP who was willing to turn his back on 25% of his revenue by firing his worst clients. Find out why his only regret is not doing it sooner.
playmobil house is built

How to Convert Break/Fix Customers

You may be ready to make the move to managed services, but what about your customers? Here are key do's and don'ts to convince as many as possible to make the journey with you.
playmobil house is built

What Managed Services Have to Offer

Competition in the MSP market is heating up. Learn how to differentiate yourself by building a managed services offering that stands out and gets you more customers.
playmobil house is built

Building the Right MSP Software Stack

How should you be successfully evaluating MSP software to make sure you're building the stack you really need? Whether you're just getting started or reassessing your tools, here are some key criteria and important do's and don'ts.
sing on wall: We like you too :)

How to Improve Customer Retention

If you're a small but growing MSP, balancing your focus between acquiring new clients and keeping the ones you have happy can be difficult. Learn why active customer retention efforts are crucial to ensuring the growth you achieve is sustainable.
recurring revenue: wheel

3 Ways to Increase Revenue from Existing Customers

The most successful MSPs don't grow simply by acquiring new customers. Another key driver they rely on is finding ways to increase recurring revenue they're getting from their existing customers. Here are three paths you can take to follow their lead.
playmobil house is built

Pricing Strategies to Boost Profitability

Determining the best pricing strategy for your MSP business is no small task. Let's look at some of the basic MSP pricing model options and help you understand what approach will be most profitable for you, starting with understanding your costs and margins.
Growth: huge trees from beneath

A Practical Growth Strategy for 2023

There are two primary paths you can take to grow your managed IT services company, and four major challenges you'll face along the way. Learn how to anticipate and overcome those challenges by developing a successful, realistic growth strategy.
Managed IT services customer acquisition strategy

How to Build a Customer Acquisition Strategy

For managed IT services providers, relying on word of mouth and attending the same business mixers leads to diminishing returns. Learn how to ramp up new customer acquisition efforts to grow your business more successfully.
the increadible hulk

7 Steps to Scaling Your Services

Achieving sustainable growth as an MSP company involves coordinating many moving pieces and adjusting a variety of dials to ensure you can scale your business operations effectively. Here are seven steps to help you do just that.
old clock with windows symbol

How to Take Advantage of Windows 7 EOL

With Windows 7 EOL less than nine months away, here are two things every MSP should be doing to maximize their opportunity to secure additional commitments, streamline their operations, and boost their revenue.
RMM predictability:

Achieving Predictability in RMM

Achieving predictable service with a RMM solution can be difficult. This blog focuses on the steps to ensure predictable, productive, and reliable service.
Semi-truck header

This MSP Wins Clients by Being Easier to Do Business With (And Picking the Right Tools)

A veteran of the MSP industry who decided to branch out on his own and found his own company in 2017, Nicholas Walker places high value on tools that can help him provide dependable service with as little friction as possible.
66% yes - 34% no

Selling to Involuntary IT Managers

An easy, 5-step marketing plan for MSPs selling to “involuntary IT managers” -- people who get stuck with IT duties that aren’t part of their official job.
playmobil house is built

The Break/Fix to Managed Services Transition Kit

Interested in switching to managed services but not sure where to start? Get answers to your questions along with a four-step action plan, plus templates and tools you can put to use right away.
MSP Growth Planning Checklist LP preview 1

MSP Growth Planning Checklist

Have big ambitions for your MSP? What about a formalized plan to ensure you're prioritizing what's best, hitting the right numbers, and staying on track?
New York Sykline

Securing a Financial Services Firm and Bringing it Back into Compliance

Learn how one MSP helped a financial services firm gain solid footing after it was forced to pay ransom to cyber criminals.
View all MSP Growth resources


Building a Security First Reputation With NinjaOne

Ransomeware —The Perils of Waiting to Backup

Ransomware: The Perils of Waiting to Backup

Top 5 IT Security Fundamentals

Top 5 IT Security Fundamentals

Gartner Report image

Gartner Report: Accelerate Windows and Third-Party Application Patching

2023’s Top Vulnerabilities and The Power of Patch Management

2024 IT Priorities: Automation, Security and Consolidation Lead the Way featured

2024 IT Priorities On-Demand Webinar

Leading IT Trends for 2023: Embracing Automation, Security and Consolidation featured

Leading IT Trends for 2024: Embracing Automation, Security, and Consolidation

How to Choose the Right Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Solution

Navigate the digital landscape with confidence by selecting the optimal UEM solution tailored to your needs.
A Warlock's Guide to Selling Security Services

A Warlock’s Guide to Selling Security Services

Learn the ways of selling cybersecurity in this handbook.

The Endpoint Defense Playbook

Lock down devices and automate security with NinjaOne.

Patch Management Buyer’s Guide for IT Directors

Is it time for a new patch management solution?
endpoint hardening checklist preview 1

Endpoint Hardening Checklist

Get actionable endpoint hardening recommendations you can use to protect systems and reduce attack surface.
Jurassic SOC - resources page

Jurassic SOC

Can you claw back control over the network on Isla Nublar? You’ll have one hour to find out.

Incident Response Plan Template

Rogue WAN resources image

Rogue WAN: A Data Breach Story

Can you hack it as the Empire's new IT support? Join us on May the 4th at 2pm ET for a one-of-a-kind cybersecurity workshop.
msp security summit

MSP Security Summit

Watch our lineup of interactive discussions on how you can better protect your company and your clients.
ransomware resiliency report feature

Ransomware Resiliency Report 2020

New research conducted by NinjaOne and Coveware highlights the gap in perceived risk and anticipated damage from ransomware attacks vs. the reality.

Must-Know Ransomware Statistics and Attack Trends 2023

From massive increases in ransom amounts to big shifts in attack models, these statistics reveal the major new trends in ransomware.
phishing email disguises 2019

Top Phishing Lures and Malicious Email Disguises to Watch Out For

Protect your clients from this year's scariest scams and creepiest compromises by teaching them how to see through the most common malspam and phishing disguises.
MSP ransomware incident response planning

6 Keys to Surviving a Ransomware Outbreak

With client-wide ransomware infections being reported on a weekly basis, MSPs need to need to be focusing on incident response planning now. Huntress Labs CEO Kyle Hanslovan shares the key lessons he's learned firsthand from working with nearly 40 MSPs who have been compromised.
umbrella against code from above

Surviving Ransomare Pt 3: Legal Risk & Cyber Insurance FAQs

MSP legal authority Bradley Gross teams up with techrug founder Justin Reinmuth to cover everything MSPs need to know about cyber insurance and lowering their legal risk associated with cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity Stats You Need to Know in 2019

The latest cybersecurity statistics show small businesses are becoming increasingly big targets for cyber attacks. Find out how often SMBs are getting hacked, how much it's costing them, the top security challenges they're facing, and who they're turning to for help.
EDR Statistics

How MSPs Are Using Endpoint Detection & Response Tools

MSPs looking to level-up from traditional antivirus are turning to endpoint detection and response tools. But how many have actually adopted EDR? What about these tools works — and doesn't work — for MSPs? And how does that compare with the traction EDR tools are getting in the internal IT world?
Ransomware attack graphic

How to Survive a Coordinated Ransomware Attack

Huntress Labs CEO Kyle Hanslovan shares what he's seen firsthand from working with more than 40 MSPs who had their tools hijacked to deploy ransomware across their entire client base.

MSP’s Hype-Free Guide to EDR

building blocks of cyber-security

2019 MSP Cybersecurity Checklist

Get a practical checklist for protecting your MSP business from ransomware and other threats, complete with links to helpful how-tos and walkthroughs.
How DNS protection blocks malware

How DNS Protection Stops Malware

Ninja and Webroot present a webinar on how DNS protection can stop malware and other harmful threats. Watch now to learn more about how you can improve your clients' cybersecurity.
View all Security resources

Tech Stack

2024 IT Priorities: Automation, Security and Consolidation Lead the Way featured

2024 IT Priorities On-Demand Webinar

SysAdmin Software Guide 2024 featured

SysAdmin Software Guide

Top 5 Endpoint Management Trends for IT

Uncover the history and future of endpoint management.

MSP Software Guide

Review the top players in our updated MSP Software Guide.

IT Director’s Guide to SysAdmin Software for 2023

Lost in a sea of software options? Check out our new SysAdmin Software Guide for 2023!
EDR Statistics

How MSPs Are Using Endpoint Detection & Response Tools

MSPs looking to level-up from traditional antivirus are turning to endpoint detection and response tools. But how many have actually adopted EDR? What about these tools works — and doesn't work — for MSPs? And how does that compare with the traction EDR tools are getting in the internal IT world?
playmobil house is built

Building the Right MSP Software Stack

How should you be successfully evaluating MSP software to make sure you're building the stack you really need? Whether you're just getting started or reassessing your tools, here are some key criteria and important do's and don'ts.
choosing your RMM Solution: yellow and blue door

How to Pick a RMM

RMM is short for remote monitoring and management. As the name implies, RMM software is used to gather information from remote endpoints and networks, and to perform various remote IT management tasks on them without disruption. See the top features of RMM software, 2024 RMM ratings, and more.
best in class - golden trophies

Best of Breed, Best in Class, or Both?

Choosing a RMM solution to fit your needs is a tough decision. Check out this blog to help find the best solution for your business.
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