Your Privacy Choices

Californians have a right to opt out of what the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) calls a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information. To make a “sale” or “sharing” opt-out request, please follow the steps below. Disclosures of personal information that do not constitute “sale” or “sharing” may still continue after we process your request.

Step 1: Complete the form below.

Step 2: If you would like your request to apply to personal information collected through cookies and similar technologies during your future visits to, then please also follow the steps below from each browser you use to visit the website. If you reset your browser, clear your cookies, or use a browser that automatically clears cookies, you’ll need to perform these steps again.

  • Click on the Cookie Preferences link in the footer of the website and read the instructions
  • Except for “Necessary,” toggle each category off
  • Click “Confirm My Choices”
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