A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Popup Messages for macOS

Key takeaways

  • The script creates customizable popup messages on macOS, enhancing direct communication between IT professionals and end-users.
  • It offers extensive customization options for popup title, message, buttons, icons, and actions.
  • Users can set specific actions to be executed upon button presses or when the popup times out, facilitating automated IT management tasks.
  • The script includes error checks for common configuration mistakes, ensuring reliable and safe operation.
  • Compared to traditional methods like emails, this script provides a more immediate and interactive way of conveying messages.
  • Ethical use and transparency are essential, considering the script’s capability to prompt direct user actions.
  • Thorough testing and clear communication with users are recommended for effective deployment.
  • This script complements tools like NinjaOne, enhancing the efficiency and control in IT management.


The ability to effectively communicate and manage user actions is a crucial aspect of IT infrastructure management. A script that creates customizable popup messages on macOS devices epitomizes this necessity, providing a versatile tool for system administrators and Managed Service Providers (MSPs). 


This Bash script’s primary function is to generate customizable popup messages on macOS, offering a variety of parameters for customization. This capability is particularly useful for IT professionals and MSPs who need to prompt actions or convey information directly to end-users in a controlled and efficient manner. Its relevance stems from the need to streamline communication in a non-intrusive, yet direct way.

The script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Description: Creates a popup window on the user's screen. Use Restart Reminder to display a request to the end user to restart their computer. Please run as 'System'.
# By using this script, you indicate your acceptance of the following legal terms as well as our Terms of Use at https://www.ninjaone.com/terms-of-use.
# Ownership Rights: NinjaOne owns and will continue to own all right, title, and interest in and to the script (including the copyright). NinjaOne is giving you a limited license to use the script in accordance with these legal terms. 
# Use Limitation: You may only use the script for your legitimate personal or internal business purposes, and you may not share the script with another party. 
# Republication Prohibition: Under no circumstances are you permitted to re-publish the script in any script library or website belonging to or under the control of any other software provider. 
# Warranty Disclaimer: The script is provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranty of any kind. NinjaOne makes no promise or guarantee that the script will be free from defects or that it will meet your specific needs or expectations. 
# Assumption of Risk: Your use of the script is at your own risk. You acknowledge that there are certain inherent risks in using the script, and you understand and assume each of those risks. 
# Waiver and Release: You will not hold NinjaOne responsible for any adverse or unintended consequences resulting from your use of the script, and you waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against NinjaOne relating to your use of the script. 
# EULA: If you are a NinjaOne customer, your use of the script is subject to the End User License Agreement applicable to you (EULA).
# Preset Parameter: --restartreminder
#   Displays a generic restart PopUp. Can be overridden with parameters. Equivalent to the below parameters.
#   --title 'NinjaOne Rmm'
#   --message 'Your IT Administrator is requesting that you restart your computer. Click "Restart Now" after saving your work.'
#   --buttonltext 'Restart Now'
#   --buttonrtext 'Ignore'
#   --buttonlaction 'shutdown -r now'
#   --timeout 900
# Preset Parameter: --title 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredHeader'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes to replace the text in the title bar of the popup window (defaults to 'NinjaOne RMM').
# Preset Parameter: --message 'ReplaceWithYourPopUpMessage'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes to put some text inside of the PopUp Window.
# Preset Parameter: --iconpath 'A URL or /a/path/to/an/image.png'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with either a url to an image or a filepath to an icon. The script uses the NinjaOne Logo by default.
#   For best results use a 512px x 512px png. Though other formats and sizes will work.
#   Highly recommend keeping a 1:1 ratio for the width and height.
#   Supported formats: png, jpg, jpeg, webp, bmp, ico and gif (will not be animated in popup)
#   If you have a base64 encoding of your image you could also replace the default base64 on line 46.
# Preset Parameter: --buttonltext 'ReplaceWithNameOfButton'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the name/text inside the left button.
# Preset Parameter: --buttonrtext 'ReplaceWithNameOfButton'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the name/text inside the right button.
# Preset Parameter: --timeout 'ReplaceWithAnumberofSeconds'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the number of seconds you'd like the PopUp to display for. 0 never times out.
# Preset Parameter: --buttonlaction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the left button is clicked by the user (executes in bash).
# Preset Parameter: --buttonraction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the right button is clicked by the user (executes in bash).
# Preset Parameter: --timeoutaction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'
#   Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the dialog box times out (executes in bash).

# You can replace the below line with iconbase64='ReplaceThisWithYourBase64encodedimageEncasedInQuotes' and the script will decode the image and use it in the popup window.

die() {
  local _ret="${2:-1}"
  test "${_PRINT_HELP:-no}" = yes && print_help >&2
  echo "$1" >&2
  exit "${_ret}"

_arg_title="NinjaOne RMM"

# This function will print out some help text if the user entered something wrong
print_help() {
  printf '\t%s\n\n' 'Usage: [-t|--title <arg>] [-m|-msg|--message <arg>] [-i|-icon|--iconpath <arg>] [-blt|-btnltxt|--buttonltext <arg>] [-brt|-btnrtxt|--buttonrtext <arg>] [-bla|-btnlact|--buttonlaction <arg>] [-bra|-btnract|--buttonraction <arg>] [-to|--timeout <arg>] [-toa|-toact|--timeoutaction <arg>] [-restart|--restartreminder] [-h|--help]'
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --restartreminder"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Displays a generic restart PopUp. Can be overridden with parameters. Equivalent to the below parameters."
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--title 'NinjaOne RMM'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--message 'Your IT Administrator is requesting that you restart your computer. Click 'Restart Now' after saving your work.'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--buttonltext 'Restart Now'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--buttonrtext 'Ignore'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--buttonlaction 'shutdown -r now'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "--timeout '900'"
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --title 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredHeader'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes to replace the text in the title bar of the popup window (defaults to 'NinjaOne RMM')"
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --message 'ReplaceWithYourPopUpMessage'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes to put some text inside of the PopUp Window"
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --iconpath 'A URL or /a/path/to/an/image.png'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with either a url to an image or a filepath to an icon. The script uses the NinjaOne Logo by default."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --buttonltext 'ReplaceWithNameOfButton'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the name/text inside the left button."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --buttonrtext 'ReplaceWithNameOfButton'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the name/text inside the right button."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --timeout 'ReplaceWithAnumberofSeconds'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the number of seconds you'd like the PopUp to display for. 0 never times out."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --buttonlaction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the left button is clicked by the user (executes in bash)."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --buttonraction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the right button is clicked by the user (executes in bash)."
  printf '\t%s\n' "Preset Parameter: --timeoutaction 'ReplaceWithYourDesiredAction(Executes in Bash)'"
  printf '\t\t%s\n' "Replace the text encased in quotes with the command you'd like to run when the dialog box times out (executes in bash)."

# Deciphers the parameters given and stores them as variables
parse_commandline() {
  while test $# -gt 0; do
    case "$_key" in
    -t | --title)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -m | -msg | --message)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -i | -icon | --iconpath)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -blt | -btnltxt | --buttonltext)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -bla | -btnlact | -btnlaction | --buttonlaction)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -brt | -btnrtxt | -btnrtext | --buttonrtext)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -bra | -btnract | -btnraction | --buttonraction)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -to | --timeout)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -toa | -toact | --timeoutaction | --timeoutAction)
      test $# -lt 2 && die "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." 1
    -restart | --restartreminder | --restartReminder)
    -h | --help)
      exit 0
      exit 0
      _PRINT_HELP=yes die "FATAL ERROR: Got an unexpected argument '$1'" 1

parse_commandline "$@"

# This function will be used to download an image file if requested.
downloadFile() {
  while [[ $i -lt 4 ]]; do
    if [[ ! $_arg_skipsleep == "on" ]]; then
      sleepTime=$((1 + RANDOM % 7))
      echo "Sleeping for $sleepTime seconds."
      sleep $sleepTime

    echo "Download Attempt $i"
    curl -L "$url" -o "$_arg_destfolder/$_arg_filename" -s -f

    if [[ -f $file ]]; then
      echo 'Download was successful!'
      echo 'Attempt Failed!'
      ((i += 1))

if [[ -n $title ]]; then

if [[ -n $message ]]; then

if [[ -n $iconPath ]]; then

if [[ -n $buttonLeftText ]]; then

if [[ -n $buttonLeftAction ]]; then

if [[ -n $buttonRightText ]]; then

if [[ -n $buttonRightAction ]]; then

if [[ -n $timeout ]]; then

if [[ -n $timeoutAction ]]; then

if [[ -n $restartReminder && $restartReminder == "true" ]]; then

# If --restartreminder was selected we'll want to preset some of the parameters.
if [[ $_arg_restartreminder == "on" ]]; then
  if [[ -z $_arg_buttonltext ]]; then
    _arg_buttonltext="Restart Now"

  if [[ -z $_arg_buttonrtext ]]; then

  if [[ -z $_arg_message ]]; then
    _arg_message="Your IT Administrator is requesting that you restart your computer. Click 'Restart Now' after saving your work."

  if [[ -z $_arg_buttonlaction ]]; then
    _arg_buttonlaction='shutdown -r $(date -v +30S "+%H%M")'

  if [[ -z $_arg_timeout ]]; then

# Cannot name the button cancel.
if [[ $_arg_buttonltext == "Cancel" || $_arg_buttonrtext == "Cancel" ]]; then
  _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: Cannot name the button 'Cancel' or we'll be unable to check the dialog response." 1

# Must give a number
if [[ ! $_arg_timeout =~ $pattern ]]; then
  _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: --timeout requires a number of seconds in order to work. ex. '60' for 60 seconds." 1

# Creates a working directory that we'll use for our icons
if [[ ! -d "$workingdir" ]]; then
  mkdir $workingdir

# If we were given a url we'll want to download it. Since we don't really know the file we'll just not give it an extension.
if [[ $_arg_iconpath =~ $pattern ]]; then
  echo "URL Given, downloading image..."



# If the script was given an iconpath as a parameter we'll want to use that instead.
if [[ -n $iconbase64 && -z $_arg_iconpath ]]; then
  base64 -D <<<$iconbase64 >$workingdir/base64img
elif [[ ! $_arg_iconpath == "$workingdir/downloadedimg" ]]; then
  cp "$_arg_iconpath" "$workingdir"

# This will be used to check that the file is an image or something else
mimetype=$(file --mime-type -b "$_arg_iconpath" | grep "image" | sed 's/image\///g')
if [[ -z $mimetype ]]; then
  _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: File was either not an image or does not exist!" 1

# Convert whatever we were given into a png (so we can later turn that into an icon file)
if [[ ! $mimetype == "png" ]]; then
  sips -s format png "$_arg_iconpath" --out "$workingdir/img.png" >/dev/null
  rm "$_arg_iconpath"
  mv "$_arg_iconpath" "$workingdir/img.png"

# Working folder for the iconset
if [[ ! -d "$workingdir/$_arg_title.iconset" ]]; then
  mkdir "$workingdir/$_arg_title.iconset"

# If the file was successfully converted we'll turn it into an icon file
if [[ -f $file ]]; then
  sips -z 16 16 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/icon_16x16.png" >/dev/null
  sips -z 32 32 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/[email protected]" >/dev/null
  sips -z 32 32 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/icon_32x32.png" >/dev/null
  sips -z 64 64 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/[email protected]" >/dev/null
  sips -z 128 128 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/icon_128x128.png" >/dev/null
  sips -z 256 256 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/[email protected]" >/dev/null
  sips -z 256 256 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/icon_256x256.png" >/dev/null
  sips -z 512 512 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/[email protected]" >/dev/null
  sips -z 512 512 "${workingdir}/img.png" --out "${workingdir}/${_arg_title}.iconset/icon_512x512.png" >/dev/null

  rm "$workingdir/img.png"

  cd "$workingdir" >/dev/null || _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: Unable to access $workingdir" 1
  iconutil -c icns "$_arg_title.iconset"
  cd - >/dev/null || _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: Unable to access previous working directory?" 1

  rm -R "$workingdir/$_arg_title.iconset"
  _PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: Looks like the image failed to convert to a png?" 1

# If no button text was given these will be the defaults
if [[ -z $_arg_buttonltext ]]; then

if [[ -z $_arg_buttonrtext ]]; then

# osascript actually creates the dialog box we'll need all the variables from earlier for that.
  osascript - "$_arg_message" "$_arg_title" "$_arg_iconpath" "$_arg_buttonltext" "$_arg_buttonrtext" "$_arg_timeout" <<EOF
  on run argv
    display dialog item 1 of argv with title item 2 of argv \
    with icon POSIX file { item 3 of argv } \
    buttons { item 4 of argv , item 5 of argv } default button 2 \
    giving up after { item 6 of argv }
  end run

# These three if statements check what the response to the PopUp was and performs an action based on that if requested.
if [[ $dialog == *"gave up:true" ]]; then
  echo "PopUp message timed out (the user ignored it)."
  if [[ -n $_arg_timeoutaction ]]; then
    eval "$_arg_timeoutaction"
  exit 0

if [[ $dialog == "button returned:$_arg_buttonltext"* ]]; then
  echo "$_arg_buttonltext Button Clicked!"
  if [[ -n $_arg_buttonlaction ]]; then
    eval "$_arg_buttonlaction"
  exit 0

if [[ $dialog == "button returned:$_arg_buttonrtext"* ]]; then
  echo "$_arg_buttonrtext Button Clicked!"
  if [[ -n $_arg_buttonraction ]]; then
    eval "$_arg_buttonraction"
  exit 0

_PRINT_HELP=no die "FATAL ERROR: Did the PopUp display? Failed to check the dialog response." 1


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Detailed breakdown

The script begins by initializing default values and parsing command-line arguments to customize various elements of the popup, such as title, message, buttons, and actions associated with these buttons. Parameters allow customization of the popup’s appearance and behavior, like setting an icon, timeout duration, and actions to execute on button presses or timeout.

One of the script’s features is downloading and setting a custom icon for the popup, illustrating its versatility. Additionally, it handles different scenarios like a user ignoring the popup or pressing one of the buttons, each triggering specified actions.

The script is robust, with checks for errors like improper button naming or invalid timeout values. These safeguards ensure smooth execution and prevent common mistakes during configuration.

Potential use cases

An IT professional in a corporate setting could use this script to remind employees to restart their computers for software updates. The script’s ability to schedule restarts and provide options to postpone or initiate them immediately makes it ideal for maintaining an updated and secure IT environment.


Traditionally, IT departments might rely on email notifications or manual interventions for such tasks. This script offers a more direct and user-friendly approach, providing real-time interaction and immediate compliance, enhancing both efficiency and compliance rates.


Q: Is the script easy to customize for different scenarios?  
A: Yes, the script’s parameters are designed for easy customization to fit various use cases.

Q: Can the script force actions on the user’s machine?  
A: While the script can prompt actions, it relies on user interaction, respecting the user’s control over their device.

Q: Is it compatible with all macOS versions?  
A: It’s designed for macOS but testing on the specific versions in your environment is recommended.


While this script enhances IT management, it also raises concerns about user autonomy and privacy. Ensuring that it is used transparently and ethically is paramount.


  • Test the script thoroughly in a controlled environment before deployment.
  • Clearly communicate with users about the purpose and function of popups.
  • Use this tool responsibly and ensure it aligns with company policies and ethical guidelines.

Final thoughts

In the context of NinjaOne, a platform known for enhancing IT management and security, this script aligns seamlessly with its objectives. It represents a small, yet significant part of a broader toolkit that can empower IT professionals to manage their environments more effectively. The integration of such customizable scripts in IT workflows can significantly elevate the efficiency and responsiveness of IT systems, a cornerstone of modern IT management championed by NinjaOne.

Next Steps

Building an efficient and effective IT team requires a centralized solution that acts as your core service deliver tool. NinjaOne enables IT teams to monitor, manage, secure, and support all their devices, wherever they are, without the need for complex on-premises infrastructure.

Learn more about NinjaOne Remote Script Deployment, check out a live tour, or start your free trial of the NinjaOne platform.


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NinjaOne Terms & Conditions

By clicking the “I Accept” button below, you indicate your acceptance of the following legal terms as well as our Terms of Use:

  • Ownership Rights: NinjaOne owns and will continue to own all right, title, and interest in and to the script (including the copyright). NinjaOne is giving you a limited license to use the script in accordance with these legal terms.
  • Use Limitation: You may only use the script for your legitimate personal or internal business purposes, and you may not share the script with another party.
  • Republication Prohibition: Under no circumstances are you permitted to re-publish the script in any script library belonging to or under the control of any other software provider.
  • Warranty Disclaimer: The script is provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranty of any kind. NinjaOne makes no promise or guarantee that the script will be free from defects or that it will meet your specific needs or expectations.
  • Assumption of Risk: Your use of the script is at your own risk. You acknowledge that there are certain inherent risks in using the script, and you understand and assume each of those risks.
  • Waiver and Release: You will not hold NinjaOne responsible for any adverse or unintended consequences resulting from your use of the script, and you waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against NinjaOne relating to your use of the script.
  • EULA: If you are a NinjaOne customer, your use of the script is subject to the End User License Agreement applicable to you (EULA).