Community Events

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Previous Chats

Miss a chat? Grab bonus materials and watch it on-demand.

Timely Tactics for Powering Through a Downturn

With recession chatter growing louder, how should MSPs be shifting their tactics to lower their risk, jump on new opportunities, and thrive?

Find out by watching a special live discussion with some of our favorite past guests including OITVOIP CEO Ray Orsini, LifeCycle Insights co-founder Alex Farling, and returning co-host, TitanHQ Channel Chief Tom Watson.

We’ll be providing practical, real-world tips on the following and more:

  • Quick wins to help you improve cash flow, reduce expenses, and ensure that you’re in solid financial shape
  • The most important conversations you should be having with your clients right now
  • The best types of prospects to be targeting (or avoiding) right now
  • Clutch retention incentives and upsell opportunities to keep revenue pouring in

IT Ops Security Summit

Experience our epic 1-day virtual event on-demand!

With eight sessions packed full of real-world security tactics and practical takeaways, you’ll hear leading practitioners and experts cover the following and more:

  • Realistic takes on best practices, and what to do when “basics” are anything but
  • Tips for fighting alert fatigue, misconfigurations, and burnout
  • Zero-day patching and endpoint hardening workshops
  • Tactics for securely managing legacy software and systems
  • Demystifying incident response planning and cyber insurance

Getting Back into In-Person Sales & Networking

MSP Live Chats - Guests for In-Person Sales 2022

As the world opens back up, are you missing in-person sales and networking opportunities that growth-focused MSPs are jumping on?

View this recording of a special live chat discussion with growth and revenue expert Adam Slutskin, the channel veteran behind wildly successful worldwide sales and marketing strategies at Liongard, ConnectWise, and others.

George Bardissi, bvoip CEO & founder as well as lead organizer of the Channel Strong Tour also joined the live chat. If you’ve seen the Channel Strong Tour on social media in the past two years you know he’s someone that knows a thing or two about successful in-person sales and marketing events.

Check out the recording to hear us cover the following and more:

  • What aspects of selling are prime for shifting back to in-person
  • What aspects aren’t (and may never be again)
  • The biggest opportunities available to MSPs right now for differentiation and growth
  • Ideas for revenue-generating in-person events that pack the most ROI
  • Tips for shaking off the rust and reestablishing an optimized sales cadence

April Phools’ Phishing Challenge

MSP Live Chats - Guests for April Phools

Can you do what you advise your clients and spot a phishing attempt when you see one?

Can you do what you advise your clients and spot a phishing attempt when you see one? Watch this “April Phools” edition of our MSP Live Chats series with special guest Connor Swalm, CEO of Phin Security, who showcased the latest tricks and tactics attackers are using to get victims on the hook. Don’t miss OITVOIP CEO Ray Orsini, Lifecycle Insights’ Alex Farling, and the rest of our panel as they played a high-stakes game of “spot the phish” on the LIVE event.

Check out the recording to hear us cover the following and more:

  • The latest cyber insurance requirements re: phishing and security awareness training
  • Right and wrong ways to do phishing simulations that can have clients either singing your praises or looking to take their business elsewhere
  • Examples of effective training materials and tips for making training a compelling and profitable part of your services

Feeling Lucky? Reducing Your MSP’s Biggest Risks

MSP Live Chats - Guests for Feeling Lucky

See what you missed during our special St. Patrick’s Day edition of MSP Live Chats! 

It’s your chance to hear candid conversations about the biggest risks facing MSP owners today — including which risky bets on growth you should avoid AND which to take!

Watch the replay with special guests Tom Lawrence (Lawrence Technology Services) and Georg Dauterman (Valiant Technology) to hear our takes on:

  • The biggest risks you need to actively manage for (including security risks as well as specific scenarios like losing your biggest customer, employee burnout, etc.)

  • Risks you absolutely SHOULD take as an owner when you’re starting out and growing — and how to be smart about it
  • The most important early bets to make that can pay off huge for you down the line

  • Stories of how your fellow MSPs overcame the worst strokes of bad luck — and how you can, too

  • How to make your own “luck” with the right prep and help


Making Customer Success Your Competition Killer

MSP Live Chats - Guest for Customer Success

Your customers’ expectations and demands around IT are changing. 

Want to learn how you can better align your work with their evolving business goals and priorities? And ensure that you don’t just win new customers, but that you win them for life? 

Watch our MSP Live Chat with Lifecycle Insights CEO Marnie Stockman. Not only is she an expert in MSP customer success, she literally wrote the book on it.

You’ll walk away knowing the following and more:

  • What best-in-class customer success actually looks like for MSPs, and where those practices fit alongside customer support and account management
  • How to transform ad-hoc customer success efforts into repeatable, scalable processes 
  • What metrics to track to measure customer success
  • How to avoid being blindsided by churn by learning how to spot and address early warning signs faster
  • Practical ways customer success efforts can take your sales and marketing to the next level

IT Love Fest

Watch the recording of our celebration of everything you love about IT.

We served up Valentines to everyone’s favorite free open-source tools and scripts PLUS shared stories of exceptional support that made users feel the love and show it back.

  • Hear what free, open-source tools your peers are using, loving, and can’t live without 
  • See examples of above-and-beyond support and creative extra touches that make users feel the warm and fuzzies 
  • Learn how to turn ad hoc user appreciation into hard data you can use to prove value and ROI 
  • See who won our awesome prizes


CyberDrain CTF bonus session resources

2022 Big Trends & Predictions for the Channel

MSP Live Chats - Guests for LP - Jay McBain

What big-picture trends are set to have a major impact on the IT channel this year? And how are forward-thinking MSPs positioning themselves to take advantage?

Get out of the weeds and start thinking long-term opportunities by watching this special MSP Live Chat with channel expert and Forrester Principal Analyst Jay McBain.

Hear some of Jay’s hottest takes on the following and more:

  • How shifts in client demographics — and the way they prefer to buy services — are set to affect MSPs
  • MSPs’ place in the world where 76% of SMB owners think their current business model will be unrecognizable in 5 years
  • Who’s set to be the biggest resell winners and losers from radical changes in marketplaces
  • What new type of trusted advisor your clients will need you to be moving forward

IT Festivus

See how we rang in “a Festivus for the Admins of Us”

This season, we teamed up with OITVOIP, Lifecycle Insights, Gradient MSP, and Valiant Technology to celebrate the most magical holiday of all — the one where IT pros finally got the chance to air their IT-related grievances, boast about their feats of IT strength, AND win some extremely cool prizes.

All in the company of some of our favorite experts and peers.

What’s the deal with IT Festivus?

  • We closed out the year with a can’t-miss, one-of-a-kind gathering of kindred spirits
  • We laughed and cringed while sharing big wins and complaints re: working in IT in 2021
  • We gave out prizes for “best grievance,” “best feat of IT strength,” “best holiday sweater,” and more
  • PLUS, we subjected our guest panel to trying some truly disgusting jelly beans

2022 Resolutions + 4 Sales-Free Ways to Boost Your Valuation

MSP Live Chats - Chris Ryne guest

We’re looking down the barrel of another challenging year — how should you be adapting your plans to grow your business without burning yourself or your team out?

The top MSPs are heading into 2022 with a focused strategy and clear objectives. But even the best-laid plans can come up short if you’re not actively adjusting for blindspots and things simply beyond your control. Watch our first MSP Live Chat of the new year, where Chris Ryne from Growth Achievement Partners walks through how to implement a more achievable, resilient growth plan for 2022.

Watch the full recording to learn:

  • 4 ways to improve and add value to your business that DON’T involve sales
  • Actionable tips for de-risking your business
  • How to get out of your own way as an MSP owner
  • Understanding the current state of MSP M&A and where trends are headed
  • How to calculate how much your MSP business may be worth


Automation, Chatbots, and the New Customer Experience

As an MSP, your availability to your customers and prospects is one of your top competitive advantages. So, how do you scale it?

Today’s customers don’t just want to communicate with you on your terms. They want you to be reachable the very moment that they need you, via the tools and apps they’re already using.

In this MSP Live Chat, founder Chris Dix joined us to discuss how forward-thinking IT providers are reacting to this demand by leveraging chatbots and automation to provide “real-time” messaging and support — without compromising their standards for customer experience.

Watch the recording to hear hot takes on the following and more:

  • Right and wrong ways to utilize chatbots
  • How to use automation to get faster responses from customers
  • Where customers draw the line between feeling helped and feeling duped
  • What it means to take an “omnichannel” approach to support
  • What specific parts of support and sales workflows can best be automated with bots
  • How much MSPs should be adapting their own workflows to meet their customers where they are

Microsoft 365 Management and Security in 2022

What big moves can we expect from Microsoft in 2022? And how are savvy MSPs planning ahead?

Price hikes. Name changes. New offerings. Oh my.  Keeping up with Microsoft is a full-time job these days. Luckily, we’ve got experts dropping by our next MSP Live Chat to help keep everyone in the loop.

Join us, CyberDrain’s Kelvin Tegelaar, and others as we dive into the latest big announcements from Microsoft and talk modern approaches to M365 multi-tenant management and security.

Bonus: Kelvin will also be giving us a guided tour of his new project: CIPP, an open-source solution for M365 administration that you can check out here.


Creating a Strategic Growth Plan for 2022

MSP Live Chats - Colin Knox guest

Have big ambitions for 2022? What about a formalized plan for getting your MSP to where you want it to go?

For many MSPs, the past two years have been a heady mix of a) unprecedented challenges; and b) furious growth. What’s separated the fastest growing shops from the rest? The majority have put themselves in the position to be more proactive and strategic than the competition.

To help you do the same, we’re teaming up with Gradient MSP founder and channel veteran Colin Knox to talk strategic planning frameworks and share how to set your sights on the right targets and grow your MSP in 2022!

Don’t miss your chance to:

  • Hear Colin’s approach to strategic planning that propelled his MSP to millions in ARR
  • Grab a strategic planning template for establishing your own 2022 core objectives and KPIs
  • Learn how to establish the right sales and marketing goals — and draft an action plan for hitting them
  • Hear from your peers re: what hiring, operations, and sales initiatives they’re planning for 2022

MSP M&A: What Buyers Are Looking For

MSP Live Chats - M&A - guests for lp

Don’t miss your chance to hear MSP-focused investors share their buying criteria and answer a host of fantastic questions from the audience.

Whether you’re contemplating an exit in two years or 10, knowing exactly what buyers are looking for can help you plan ahead and calibrate toward getting the best valuation possible. Better yet, even if an exit isn’t on your mind at all, simply knowing this criteria can provide you with a blueprint for building a better, more profitable business.

This was a wonderfully candid discussion with MSP Corp co-founder Ravi Ramharak and CTO David Papp. We came away with a firm grasp of the following and more:

  • The two primary types of buyers for MSPs
  • What those buyers DO and DON’T want to see, including what tools they want to see in your tech stack
  • What the buying process looks like
  • The top factors that affect valuation
  • Macro trends in MSP M&A, including heightened security scrutiny
  • Top-performer benchmarks in terms of margins, staffing ratio, and more

Selling Cybersecurity: Killer Do’s and Don’ts

MSP Live Chats - Selling Cybersecurity - guests for lp

Just in time for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, check out this expert-lead discussion on how you can cut through the all noise out there, better-position your offerings, elevate your customers’ security postures, and increase your revenue.

Jennifer Bleam, owner of MSP Sales Revolution, and Sean Lardo, VP of Partner Development at OITVoIP, share a host of frameworks and tactics to help you with each stage of the sales process, from packaging and prospecting to closing the deal. And just as important, they’ll also be highlighting what NOT to do and the biggest mistakes they see made.

As a bonus, we also provide free resources and ideas you can swipe to take advantage of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. See below for links.


Finding and Hiring the Best Techs

MSP Live Chats - Hiring - guests lp image

Are hiring changes holding back your MSP’s growth?

If so, you’re not alone. Many IT businesses are having trouble filling open positions amid a tight labor market. Not to mention facing new competition from large MSPs who have ramped up hiring remote techs from smaller, more affordable markets.

Want to know how you can win this latest war for top talent and snag the right hires? Watch this takeaway-packed discussion with channel recruiting and hiring experts John Davenjay CEO of Bowman Willams and Mark Elliott CRO at The 20 MSP.

In this lively chat we cover the following and more:

  • The latest MSP hiring and salary stats that show the effects of the pandemic
  • How to expand your tech talent search outside of your local area
  • What hiring methods have worked best during the remote work era
  • How to identify worker skills beyond the classic resume or CV
  • Who can help you manage hiring if you’re a smaller IT shop

Winning Competitive MSP Deals: Strategy & Tactics

MSP Live Chats - Competitive Deals - Guests for LP - working

How many times have you sunk time into scoping out a prospect only to find out you’ve been underbid?

Losing out in competitive deals can be painful. Almost as painful as getting stuck with deals that are unprofitable because you got squeezed into lowering your price. How can you avoid both of these scenarios and walk away on top?

We’ll be sharing practical tips you can use to steal the advantage away from low-priced competitors and win more prospects on your terms. 

Learn actionable takeaways on:

  • How to find out as soon as possible if a deal is competitive
  • How to beat competitors to the punch by establishing the buying & competitive criteria in your favor
  • What “landmine” questions to set for competitors
  • Whether to hand over your proposal or charge for it
  • How to avoid a race to the bottom on price 
  • And more

Gone Phishing: Latest Lures + Selling Security Awareness Training

MSP Live Chats - Guests for Phishing

Phishing attacks remain one of the most dangerous and prevalent types of cybercrime facing organizations around the world. How are you protecting your clients as campaigns evolve?

Take a dive in the deep end with phishing prevention and security awareness training experts from Breach Secure Now and Cofense. You’ll see real examples of the latest (extremely clever) phishing lures and tactics, plus actionable real-world advice on how best to sell security awareness training and incorporate it into your stack.

Don’t miss the chance to reel in some fantastic info and resources, including:
  • Real-world phishing examples and stats you can share with your clients
  • Tips on how to protect your own business and employees
  • Pricing and packaging advice for selling security awareness training
  • How to — and how NOT to — run phishing simulations effectively

How to Nail Your Pricing and Profitability

So much has changed during the past 18 months. How has it affected MSP pricing?

Watch this recording to hear from your peers as we discuss recent pricing trends and a host of practical questions, including:

  • Whether shifts in WFH demands and changes to the security landscape are driving costs up or down.
  • How high of a per-seat price is actually reasonable.
  • What “best practices” are becoming outdated, and which are holding firm.
  • And more.

Ransomware Response Planning

How prepared are you to react to a nightmare scenario? Get “ransomware ready” with actionable tips from the pros. 

Recent events have provided yet another important reminder that it’s not enough to focus on preventing ransomware — we all need to have a solid response plan in place, too. 

Watch this recording to hear from your peers on how they’re drafting and adapting their response plans in the wake of the Kaseya incident, and what else they’re doing to become more resilient. We’ll also be joined by incident response experts from TrustedSec, m3 Networks, and ID Cyber Solutions. They’ll be providing us with first-hand insight into what IR actually entails, and the key things that separate companies that recover quickly and successfully from those that don’t. 

Don’t miss practical discussion on the following and more:

  • 12 ways to prep that you can start today  
  • Building blocks of a good IR plan
  • Key roles and responsibilities
  • How to communicate with clients (with real-life examples)

Fixing Your MSA for Lower Risk & Higher Profits

Do you know what your MSA actually says? Are you confident it covers you in all the ways it should?

If the answer’s no, you’re definitely not alone. But now’s your chance to change that watching the replay of our MSP Live Chat with special guest Eric Tilds.

Eric has 22 years of experience serving as in-house counsel for IT services companies, including his previous role as general counsel and Chief Risk Officer for Logicalis, a $1.5B global MSP. And during that time he has absolutely seen it all. Eric was kind and generous enough to stop by to take on all of our audience’s questions related to MSAs and risk management, and delivered can’t-miss advice on the following:

  • The most important elements of a strong MSA, along with key do’s and don’ts
  • The differences between an MSA and SOWs (and why they should be separate)
  • Critical ways MSPs can ensure they’re in a defensible position in the event of a security breach
  • How and why you need to align your MSA with your SLAs from 3rd-party vendors
  • Examples of terms and conditions that can even improve your cash flow

MSP Growth Marketing: A Recipe for an Endless, Steady Flow of Leads

As an MSP owner elevating your digital marketing presence can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor – but what if we told you there are some free things you can do today to start bringing in leads new qualified leads online.

In this MSP Live Chat, Ayan Adam, Founder of CX Atelier, an MSP Marketing Growth Agency will show you how to leverage your digital footprint to get an uninterrupted flow of qualified leads.

Watch the recap to learn:

  • How to leverage your Google My Business listing to get leads (optimizing your listing, showing up at the top of the Google Map pack, outsmarting the competition)
  • How to optimize your website to get organic traffic (structure, content strategy, SEO)
  • How to attract the right leads and get them to convert

Selling Cybersecurity without FUD

Is ramping up the fear factor and pushing worst-case scenarios the only way to sell security? Or are there better approaches?

By popular demand, we devoted this MSP Live Chat to talking all about cybersecurity sales messaging. See experts from Blackpoint Cyber and Karl Bickmore, CEO of Snap Tech IT dive into the following and more:

  • What a modern security offering looks like
  • How to position your services and sell clients on their value
  • Why using education, sincerity, and pragmatism as positive motivators beats relying on fear, uncertainty, and doubt
  • Highlighting risks and new threats without being sensational
  • Leveraging cybersecurity frameworks in your positioning
  • How to have conversations around raising your rates

Check out the full recording now!

Ask Me Anything with MSP Legend Karl Palachuk

Don’t miss your chance to hear game-changing advice from an MSP great.

To say Karl Palachuk has played a role in the growth of managed services would be a massive understatement. His books and trainings have influenced thousands of IT business owners and helped them successfully make the leap from break-fix to more scalable and profitable operations. Our own Channel Chief Advisor Tom Watson credits Karl for setting him on the right path to growing and selling his business.

And he stopped by MSP Live Chat to answer all questions!

Watch the recording to see Karl give his takes on everything from pricing and packaging to hiring to the key things he’d do differently if he was starting out now.


Creating Better DIY Marketing Collateral: Live Workshop

Have ideas for marketing your MSP business, but short on time and skills to execute?

In this MSP Live Chat we were joined by three channel marketing experts who shared the tools and processes they each use to crank out consistently great marketing content.

We also revealed some extremely valuable shortcuts you can use to make the task of creating content far more efficient and repeatable.


Virtual Selling: Best Video Setups & Tactics

Are you making the right impression on your video calls? Want to seriously level-up your quality?

Then you don’t want to miss this chat! We were joined by four huge names who make some of the best-looking videos in the channel, and they shared exactly what they use in their home studios.

Of course, upgrading your call quality is just the first step. We also be shared sales tips you can use to quickly establish a personal connection and boost your close rates.

  • Chat resources doc (with each of the guests’ equipment lists plus additional tips and tools)

Driving Retention and Referrals: Client Satisfaction Hacks

Everyone says their differentiator is customer service, but what truly sets the best-of-the-best apart?

Keeping clients happy and under contract is always important, but in this market it’s more critical than ever. Join us as we team up with LifeCycle Insights founder Alex Farling and m3 Networks Technical Director Mark Lamb as we discuss the following and more:

  • Top causes of client churn and ways to preempt them
  • How Mark and his team were able to achieve an average 99% CSAT score
  • How to exceed client expectations without over-extending yourself or losing profitability
  • Keys to improving service delivery and killer mistakes to avoid
  • How to leverage customer satisfaction into more concrete referral and up-sell opportunities
  • Chat resources doc (with list of books, tools, and videos to help with improving customer satisfaction)

Breaking Up with Bad Clients

It’s not you. It’s definitely them. 

At some point, everyone has had that client. The one who you honestly can’t stand dealing with; who sucks up way too much support time; whose name is synonymous with heart palpitations and burnt profits.

Or maybe you’ve had a few.

In this special “anti-Valentine’s Day” MSP Live Chat we gave audience members the chance to share their best (worst) client break-up stories, and hear advice from other MSP owners on the following and more:

  • Why that terrible client you keep tolerating may be costing you more than you think
  • How to know when a bad client relationship isn’t salvageable
  • What to say to end things on good terms (or at least not awful terms)
  • Red flags that can tip you off to trouble clients before you sign them
  • How to show clients you do like the love

MSP Security Summit 2021

Elevate your security and your clients’ peace of mind.

We invited the MSP community back for our second annual MSP Security Summit, a one-day virtual event geared toward helping everyone in the channel improve their defenses, adapt their businesses, and thrive.

The event is over, but you can still go back and watch the actionable discussions we had with some of your favorite security experts, covering these topics and more::

  • Practical threat intel from recent ransomware campaigns — with an emphasis on specific prevention and detection opportunities
  • Mistakes to avoid and first-hand lessons learned from incidents involving MSPs
  • Key ways managed security offerings are evolving + how you can get more out of Microsoft tools you already have access to
  • The most important trends to watch + recommendations to stay ahead in 2021

Beating Burnout with Better Self-Care

After 2020, does it feel like you and your team are running on empty?

We’re kicking off our 2021 MSP Live Chats with a special rallying call. This industry isn’t exactly known for prioritizing self-care, but if you want to grow professionally and perform at a higher level in 2021 then it needs to be the year you start taking time for you.

Join us and Gozynta COO Heather Johnson as we discuss:

  • Warning signs you or team members might be on the verge of crashing
  • Tactics for building short, energizing pauses into your day
  • Processes that can improve your productivity and your health (both mental and physical)
  • Ideas for how owners can create a culture of personal development and better self-care

2020 Wrap-up: Most Helpful Tools + Lessons Learned

Grab a seat by the virtual fire and join us for a look back at the people and tools that got us through a year like no other.

It’s a special holiday MSP Live Chat! We’re inviting some of our favorite guests from previous episodes back on to talk about their most important lessons learned and key recommendations for starting 2021 right. We’ll also be subjecting them to feats of strength AND giving away some truly fantastic gifts, so be sure to join and make your Thursday merry and bright!

  • Key 2020 takeaways from OIT’s Ray Orsini, LifeCycle Insights’ Alex Farling, and more
  • The tools that MSPs were most grateful to have this year
  • Virtual “Yankee Swap” with cool gifts going to lucky attendees
  • Predictions and what to focus on to get a jump-start on 2021

Building a Client-Winning MSP Brand

What sets you apart as an MSP? What makes you uniquely “you” – and why should clients choose that over the competition?

Watch the replay of one of our most active and popular Live Chats yet. We were joined by Matthew F. Fox, Creative Director at Valiant Technology, and learned in detail how his company has managed to differentiate itself in one of the most competitive markets in the country. 

Don’t miss: 

  • How to define your positioning and core messaging + turn them into competitive advantages
  • Concrete examples of how Matthew and Valiant have leveraged their brand to win deals and retain customers
  • Live analysis and reviews of real MSP websites

Every MSP has a brand. The only question is who defined it. Find inspiration and get a jump-start on elevating your own winning brand by watching the replay!


What to (and NOT to) Give Away for Free

Are you leaving money on the table?

This year more than any other, MSPs are facing pressures to be flexible with clients and adjust to economic uncertainty. But the line between being customer friendly and doing yourself a disservice can get blurry in a hurry, and all too often MSPs find themselves giving away too much.

Join us and MSP growth expert Chris Wiser as we dive into the trends he’s seen this year and the key things that have separated those MSPs that have been booming from those who aren’t.

Here are just a few of the topics we’ll be diving into:

  • How are successful MSPs removing barriers to entry and lowering up-front costs to sign more clients?
  • What’s the consensus on free assessments?
  • What are the biggest bad habits that MSPs need to break?
  • When are specific costs actually okay to eat?
  • How can you shift client focus away from cost and onto value and risk?
  • And more…

Building Out Your 2021 Stack

What tools should absolutely be on your wishlist heading into next year?

In this Live Chat, we teamed up with Ken Patterson from Pax8 to discuss how MSPs should consider adjusting their stacks and (re)packaging their services to stay competitive in 2021. Watch the replay to see us debate the latest trends and biggest growth opportunities, with an emphasis on:

  • Advice for keeping up with and managing increasingly complex stacks
  • Factors that should go into your purchasing decisions
  • What you actually need security-wise, and what you don’t
  • Tips for standardizing your offerings and improving your profitability
  • And more…

MSP Process Horror Stories

Join us for a special Halloween edition MSP Live Chat… if you dare!

Watch Allen Edwards from Eureka Process and NinjaOne Channel Chief Advisor Tom Watson give each other frightening flashbacks recalling the very worst cases of disorganization and lack of processes they’ve ever seen.

Tune in for bottom-line-tingling tales of IT terror, featuring:

  • Mysteriously missing documentation (gasp!)
  • Monstrous micro-managing (cringe!)
  • After-hours profitability massacres (blood-curdling scream!)
  • And more…

The guys are also shared some amazing, practical tips to help your team exorcise any poor-documentation demons and crank up your service efficiency, so check out the replay!


Nailing Your MSP Sales Process

Do you feel like you’re missing out on deals you should be able to close?

Watch two former MSP owners break down the sales playbooks they used to grow, scale, and eventually sell their businesses.

No gimmicks. No theoretical fluff. Lifecycle Insights founder Alex Farling and NinjaOne Channel Chief Advisor Tom Watson share the early mistakes they made, how they overcame them, and the the actual sales frameworks that helped them:

  • Win deals faster: By shortening deals to a 10-day sales cycle
  • & more frequently: By achieving > 70% close rates

Cyber Insurance Demystified

Do you and your clients have the right coverage to survive a security incident?

Watch Justin Reinmuth, CEO of techrug (Technology Risk Underwriting Group) take on all questions about cyber insurance, including the following:

  • What are the different types of coverage and what actually applies to cyber attacks
  • What questions should you ask your insurance provider (and what questions should you be prepared to answer)?
  • What are things you can do to lower your premium?
  • How should you talk with your clients about their own coverage (or lack thereof)?

With the costs of cyber attacks skyrocketing, few topics are more urgent, so check it out!


Pricing for Profitability, Part 2

Our original session was such a hit, we hosted a sequel!

Back by popular demand, NinjaOne Channel Chief Advisor Tom Watson and bvoip CEO George Bardissi take the questions on MSP pricing and profitability we didn’t get to last time, and dive deeper into:

  • Per user and per device pricing
  • How to determine your labor and technician costs

Updated MSP Cost Calculator: We updated Tom’s MSP Cost Calculator with a new tab to help you determine your technician cost per hour.

Pricing for Profitability, Part 1

Are your managed services agreements as profitable as they should be?

Join us as we dive into everyone’s favorite topic — pricing — and discuss the things you can do to ensure your deals are:

  • Structured effectively
  • Become steadily more profitable over time.

MSP Cost Calculator: NinjaOne Chief Channel Advisor Tom Watson shared the Managed Services Agreement Cost Calculator he used as an MSP owner to help grow and sell his business, and how to utilize it live.

Ask Me Anything About Co-Managed IT

Lately, it seems like nearly everyone is talking about co-managed IT services (CoMITS). Interested in hearing the naked truth about it?

If you have a particular opportunity or current situation you want direct feedback on, we dove into a session with the man who literally wrote the books on the subject — Bob Coppedge. In addition to the Q&A, we covered the following and more:

  • What are the most readily available co-managed opportunities now?
  • How can small to medium-sized MSPs offer CoMITS successfully?
  • What do you need to have nailed down before you even think about it?
  • What are the most common ways CoMITS fails miserably?
  • How do you market and sell CoMITS in a way that stands out?

The Hottest MSP Sales Opportunities

The clock is ticking to get deals in the pipeline before the end of the year. Where are the leads coming from, and what new opportunities are other MSPs going after now?

Hear straight from fellow MSPs on the following topics and more:

  • Are mid-market companies actually seeking out co-managed IT? If so, how do you find those opportunities? What types of MSPs and tactics are winning the deals?
  • Is there a “client-grab” going on? How are unhappy clients being targeted and being encouraged to switch?
  • What other “centers of influence” should MSPs be partnering with? With everything that’s happening, what other services and expertise are your prospects turning to who could be great ins?
  • What should you be selling to your current clients? What next round of up-sell opportunities is the pandemic making relevant?

MSP Town Hall

Curious how other MSPs have been adapting and what their situations are like currently?

Hear others share their experiences and compare solutions. This chat covers the following and more:

  • Where are things at with operations? Are workloads increasing/decreasing? How are teams handling the logistics of going on-site?
  • How are teams coping and adapting? Are techs working from home or the office? How is morale?
  • How are clients faring? How fast or slow is recovery looking?
  • What are forecasts looking like for the remainder of the year? Back on track? Falling short? How are teams adjusting course? What new opportunities are being pursued?

How to Nurture and Convert Sales Leads

How do you turn cold leads into warm opportunities? 

We teamed up again with MSP marketing expert Kevin Clune to share examples of how to build appointment-winning sales cadences and email nurture campaigns. Watch the reply to hear what the numbers have to say about how many touches you should include in your cadences, as well as the best day/time to email and call.

You’ll also see us discuss sample cadences and templates that you can use to level-up your own nurturing campaigns.

We gave away a $50 Amazon Gift Card to the attendee who had the most upvoted email subject line idea. Check out the Agenda doc below to see what the group came up with.

Sales Prospecting Without In-Person Events

Did you previously rely on conferences and networking events as a major source of leads for your MSP? What’s your game plan now that the majority have been canceled or gone virtual? 

If you’re looking for new prospecting options, or maybe just creative ways to switch things up, then you don’t want to miss this live brainstorming session led by OITVOIP CEO Ray Orsini. We dove into the recent changes he had to make (including transforming his own conference into a virtual event), and as a group we shared our ideas for keeping prospecting going through the summer and beyond.

We gave away a $50 Amazon Gift Card to the attendee with the most upvoted idea. Check out the Agenda doc below to see what it was.


Updating Your MSA for the New Normal

With everything that’s changed this year, is it time to revisit your Managed Services Agreement?

Recently, NinjaOne Channel Chief Advisor Tom Watson went through the process of updating the MSA he used when he was a MSP owner. We used the new version as a prompt to ask questions, share ideas, and dive deep into the following:

  • How can MSPs be empathetic, generous, and still cover their a$$?
  • What are the biggest liability risks that COVID and WFH have introduced?
  • What new terms & conditions do MSPs need to consider adding to protect themselves from liability and payment issues?
  • How can you walk back temporary exceptions and payment terms or make difficult conversations with clients easier?
  • How can you transform your MSA into a sales asset to help you close new business?

Adapting Sales and Marketing During the Crisis

What’s the best way to continue generating leads and new business during a time like this?

That’s a question we’ve been hearing a lot lately, so we invited MSP Growth Hacks co-founder Kevin Clune on a Live Chat to share practical suggestions. Watch the recap to see what topics came up in live open discussion with attendees, including:

  • What marketing activities are right for this moment
  • How to stand out from the “Here’s a WFH checklist” crowd
  • What future outreach and campaigns you should get ready now so you’ll be ready for the next phase of the crisis
  • A bunch of marketing ideas you can steal and start working on today

Handling COVID-Related Client Requests and Communication

How are fellow MSPs adapting their approach to client communication?

This MSP Live Chat session resulted in a lot of interesting discussion and shared solutions around the following:

  • How to deal with contract changes / cancelation requests
  • Whether to offer discounts or defer payments
  • Ways you’re being proactive with client communication
  • Wins: How you’re inspiring calm and confidence during all this
  • How some are continuing to close and onboard new clients

MSP Financial Aid: The CARES Act, Explained

Trying to navigate the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to receive potentially business-saving financial aid for your MSP?

Tune in to this MSP Live Chat with accountant and financial advisor Joel Friend. He took on all questions and broke down the following in plain English:

  • Who can (and should) apply
  • How to apply
  • Which SBA-backed loans can provide the biggest immediate assistance
  • Loan forgiveness stipulations
  • Exactly what the loans cover, with primary focus on the PPP

MSP Reactions to COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, how can we virtually meet and remain strong as a community?

Watch our very first MSP Live Chat as we host a platform for MSPs and business owners alike to talk openly about coping with the current crisis and the following:

  • The impact on finances: Should we all be tightening our belts in anticipation of what’s coming (even if you just had your best month in years)? How can we cut costs and improve cash flow?
  • The impact on operations: Getting crushed with remote-work-related projects and support? Seeing some clients already scaling back or canceling? How is everyone adjusting?
  • The impact on technicians: How’s everyone on the team staying connected and avoiding burnout? What about WFH setups is working, and what’s not?
  • The impact on owners: How are you keeping all the plates spinning and handling the stress of so many unknowns?
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