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What Is HWID (Hardware Identification)?

One such term that often pops up in IT, especially in discussions surrounding system security, is Hardware Identification (HWID). This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of HWID, its working mechanism, purpose, and detailed steps to find it.

What is HWID?

Hardware Identification, abbreviated as HWID, refers to a unique identifier that every piece of hardware on your computer possesses. This identifier acts as a fingerprint for each hardware component, be it your motherboard, hard drive, graphics card, or even your mouse. This unique identification number distinguishes one piece of hardware from another, ensuring no two devices bear the same HWID.

How HWID works

The process by which a HWID functions is quite straightforward. When a piece of hardware gets manufactured, it receives a unique identifier embedded within its firmware. This identifier remains constant and does not change throughout the lifespan of the hardware. Upon connecting to a computer, the operating system reads this unique identifier, recognizing and differentiating it from other components.

Purpose of HWID

Hardware Identification serves several crucial purposes. Primarily, it aids in system security by preventing unauthorized hardware changes. Software vendors also use HWIDs for licensing their software, ensuring it gets installed only on authorized machines. Additionally, HWIDs assist in diagnosing and troubleshooting hardware issues, as they help pinpoint which component may be malfunctioning.

3 steps to find your HWID

Finding your HWID involves following a few simple steps:

  1. Launch Command Prompt: Open the Start menu, type in ‘cmd’, and hit Enter.
  2. Input Command: In the command prompt window, type ‘wmic csproduct get UUID’ and press Enter.
  3. Retrieve HWID: The resulting string of characters displayed is your computer’s HWID.


HWID serves as a unique identifier for your computer’s hardware components, playing a vital role in system security, software licensing, and hardware troubleshooting. With a basic understanding and knowledge of how to retrieve your HWID, you are one step closer to becoming more tech-savvy.

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