Know someone who might like NinjaOne? Earn up to $5,000 for a referral

Do you love NinjaOne? Invite a friend to try the leading unified IT management platform and earn a reward!
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Refer a Partner Program

Invite your friends to join you and more than 17,000 other happy NinjaOne customers.

Capterra 5 stars
G2 Crowd 5 stars
GetApp 5 stars
Software Advice 5 Stars

Who can refer a friend to NinjaOne?

Sorry, but only current NinjaOne customers are eligible to refer a potential customer.

How do I refer a potential new customer to NinjaOne?

Fill out the form below with your information (and business email) as well as your referral’s information. Once we receive the request, one of our sales reps will reach out to the new referral to schedule their demo and get the process started.

Do I get anything for referring someone to NinjaOne?

Yes! When you refer someone to NinjaOne and they do a demo with us, you and your friend will each receive a $20 Amazon gift card.

Even better, if they become a NinjaOne customer, you’ll earn an additional gift card or cash reward equal to 2x the new customer’s monthly payment, up to a maximum of $5,000 (i.e. if the new customer pays $500 each month, you’ll receive a reward payout equal to $1,000)

When do I earn my Amazon gift card?

If your referral attends a NinjaOne demo, you and your friend will each receive the $20 Amazon gift card on the 5th day of the following month (i.e. if they attend their NinjaOne demo on April 24th, you’ll each receive your $20 Amazon gift card on May 5th).

If your referral buys NinjaOne, we’ll send the reward payment (worth 2x their monthly NinjaOne payment) to you after the new customer completes their first three fully paid months with NinjaOne.

How many people can I refer to NinjaOne?

As many as you want! There’s no limit on the number of referrals you can submit or the number of gift cards you can earn as a result. We greatly appreciate every person that comes our way.

For additional details, see full terms & conditions.

Success stories from other NinjaOne customers

TeamLogic IT customer story video cover
Play Video about TeamLogic IT customer story video cover

Teamlogic IT

HQ: Mission Viejo, California

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HQ: Ketchum, Idaho

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