What Is Azure Resource Manager (ARM)?

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The cloud has become an indispensable tool for businesses and developers looking to scale their operations, improve efficiency, and protect their valuable data. Microsoft Azure, one of the leading cloud computing platforms, has played a pivotal role in this transformation. At the heart of Azure’s management and deployment capabilities lies a component known as Azure Resource Manager (ARM).

Azure Resource Manager provides a powerful, unified way to manage and organize resources within Azure, bringing simplicity, consistency, and automation to cloud infrastructure. For enterprise IT managers and MSPs, understanding Azure Resource Manager is a key step toward harnessing the full potential of the Azure platform.

In this article, we will demystify ARM, exploring its core concepts, functionalities, and the benefits it offers. This guide will empower you to optimize your cloud operations and pave the way for a more efficient, scalable, and agile future. 

What this article will cover:

  • What is Azure Resource Manager?
  • Centralized and consistent management of Azure resources
  • Azure Resource Manager templates and examples
  • Benefits of Azure Resource Manager


What is Azure Resource Manager?

Azure Resource Manager, often abbreviated as ARM, is Microsoft’s platform for managing and organizing resources within the Azure cloud. It’s a consistent management layer that offers a structured and efficient way to create, deploy, manage, and monitor Azure resources. These resources can include virtual machines, databases, storage accounts, web apps, and more.

Resource group-centric: One of the key concepts of Azure Resource Manager is known as a “resource group.” A resource group is a logical container that holds related resources for an application or a specific workload. ARM allows you to create and manage these resource groups, making it easier to organize, deploy, and monitor your resources consistently and in a controlled manner.

Declarative language: ARM employs a declarative, JSON-based language for defining the infrastructure and configuration of your resources. This means you describe what you want your Azure resources to look like, and ARM takes care of the underlying provisioning and management details, ensuring that your desired state is maintained.

The relevance of Azure Resource Manager in Azure architecture

Azure Resource Manager plays a pivotal role in centralized management within the Azure ecosystem. Acting as a centralized control hub, it facilitates the seamless monitoring and governance of Azure resources. This unified control panel allows users to synchronously create, modify, and delete resources. This approach simplifies the management of intricate applications and diverse environments, streamlining the overall operational process.

Azure Resource Manager also integrates with Azure’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system. This integration allows organizations to exercise fine-grained control over resource management within their Azure subscription. RBAC’s capabilities are instrumental in upholding ARM security measures and ensuring compliance, particularly in multi-user, multi-resource scenarios.

Resource dependencies often come into play when dealing with complex, multi-tier applications in Azure. Azure Resource Manager takes these dependencies into careful consideration. It ensures that resources are provisioned and updated in the correct sequence, thereby minimizing deployment errors and enhancing resource consistency. This meticulous handling of resource dependencies is valuable to ARM’s functionality.

Architecture and components of Azure Resource Manager

In the architecture of Azure Resource Manager, the components and mechanisms at play are the building blocks that empower Azure’s resource management capabilities. Understanding these architectural elements is essential for harnessing the full potential of ARM and optimizing the deployment, management, and scalability of resources in the Azure cloud. In this section, we will examine the architecture and components of Azure Resource Manager, exploring the inner workings that make it a cornerstone of efficient cloud management and deployment.

Resource providers: Azure Resource Manager relies on resource providers, which are responsible for managing specific types of Azure resources, including virtual machines, storage, and networking. These providers link to APIs that ARM uses to interact with and manage those resources.

Templates: ARM templates are JSON files that define the resources you want to deploy, their configurations, and any dependencies between them. Templates are a fundamental aspect of ARM’s infrastructure-as-code approach, allowing you to define your infrastructure in a version-controlled and consistent manner.

Resource Manager API: The Azure Resource Manager API is the interface through which users interact with ARM. IT managers can programmatically create, update, and manage resources, resource groups, and deployment. The API is accessible through the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, and various SDKs.

Offering centralized and consistent management of Azure resources

As we’ve seen, Azure Resource Manager serves as the linchpin for one-stop management of Azure resources, an essential role in the efficient orchestration of cloud operations. Functioning as the hub, ARM streamlines the deployment and management of an array of resources spread across various Azure subscriptions. ARM simplifies the process of creating, modifying, and deleting resources through its central control panel, negating the need to navigate through a maze of disparate services and interfaces.

This centralization yields multiple advantages, foremost among them being enhanced operational efficiency. ARM significantly reduces the challenges of managing diverse resources by offering a standardized interface for a more straightforward approach to resource handling. Moreover, it bolsters control by ensuring the consistent and secure execution of changes and operations, regardless of the specific resource type or Azure service. 

Consistency in managing Azure resources through ARM

Standardized resource management: Consistency is a cornerstone of efficient resource management, and Azure Resource Manager excels in this regard. By leveraging ARM templates, users can define their infrastructure in a structured way. This results in consistent, repeatable deployments while minimizing configuration errors.

Resource lifecycle management: ARM maintains the desired state of resources throughout their lifecycle. Whether it’s the initial deployment, updates, or eventual deletion, ARM ensures that these operations are performed in the correct sequence and according to predefined configurations. This consistency mitigates the risk of resource conflicts and operational challenges.

Importance of resource groups in Azure

As described above, resource groups are fundamental constructs within Azure Resource Manager’s framework that serve as logical containers for the management of resources. They provide a way to group these resources according to projects, applications, or distinct environments, thus simplifying the task of tracking and management.

A resource group in Azure extends its utility further by serving as a boundary for applying policies, access control measures, and tags. Organizations can consistently enforce governance practices across their resources by associating these policies and permissions at the resource group level. This is particularly invaluable when upholding rigorous security, compliance, and overall operational efficiency standards.

Azure Resource Manager templates

What are ARM templates?

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are a powerful way to define and deploy infrastructure as code in Azure. They are files using JSON  — a data interchange format — that describe the desired state of your Azure resources, including their properties, configurations, and dependencies — all while offering a version-controlled resource management method.

ARM templates use a declarative language, meaning that users specify “what” they want their Azure resources to look like rather than the step-by-step instructions for creating them. The ARM service then automatically handles the provisioning, updating, and deletion of resources, ensuring that the infrastructure remains consistent with the blueprint provided by the template.

Use cases for Azure Resource Management templates

  • Scalable and repeatable deployments: ARM templates are valuable in scenarios where an IT professional or managed service provider must consistently and predictably deploy multiple resources. Whether they’re setting up a new environment, deploying a complex application, or managing infrastructure across development, testing, and production stages, ARM templates make it easy to ensure that each deployment is identical, reducing the risk of configuration drift and errors.
  • Version control and collaboration: By storing ARM templates in version control systems like Git, sysadmins can track changes easily. This ensures that the infrastructure’s history is well-documented and that multiple team members can work on resource provisioning simultaneously without conflicts.
  • Efficient resource management: ARM templates enable efficient resource management so that users can fully leverage Azure’s resource management capabilities. They make it easy to manage the entire lifecycle of resources, from initial provisioning to updates and eventual decommissioning, all while maintaining the defined configuration and dependencies.

Examples of Azure ARM templates

Example 1: Virtual Machine Deployment

An ARM template can be used to define and deploy virtual machines, including the choice of operating system, virtual network configurations, and storage settings. This is particularly useful for creating consistent and automated VM setups.

This example template will create a simple Windows Server VM in Azure. You can customize it further to suit your specific requirements:

json script block


  “$schema”: “https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#”,

  “contentVersion”: “”,

  “parameters”: {

    “adminUsername”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Admin username for the VM.”



    “adminPassword”: {

      “type”: “securestring”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Admin password for the VM.”




  “variables”: {},

  “resources”: [


      “type”: “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines”,

      “apiVersion”: “2020-06-01”,

      “name”: “myVM”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “dependsOn”: [],

      “properties”: {

        “hardwareProfile”: {

          “vmSize”: “Standard_DS2_v2”


        “osProfile”: {

          “computerName”: “myVM”,

          “adminUsername”: “[parameters(‘adminUsername’)]”,

          “adminPassword”: “[parameters(‘adminPassword’)]”


        “storageProfile”: {

          “imageReference”: {

            “publisher”: “MicrosoftWindowsServer”,

            “offer”: “WindowsServer”,

            “sku”: “2019-Datacenter”,

            “version”: “latest”


          “osDisk”: {

            “createOption”: “FromImage”



        “networkProfile”: {

          “networkInterfaces”: [


“id”: “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces’, ‘myVMVMNic’)]”







  “outputs”: {

    “adminUsername”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “value”: “[parameters(‘adminUsername’)]”





What does this template do?

  • Defines parameters for the admin username and password, allowing you to specify these values when deploying the VM.
  • Creates a virtual machine resource named “myVM” with specific configurations, such as VM size, OS image, and network interface.
  • The output section provides the admin username for reference after deployment.


Example 2: Web app and database configuration 

ARM templates can define a full web application stack, including web apps, databases, and the necessary networking components. This simplifies the deployment of web applications and their associated database resources.

This example template demonstrates the creation of a simple web application connected to a database:

Json script block


  “$schema”: “https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#”,

  “contentVersion”: “”,

  “parameters”: {

    “siteName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Name for the web app.”



    “sku”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “defaultValue”: “Free”,

      “allowedValues”: [







      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Pricing tier for the web app.”



    “databaseName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Name for the Azure SQL Database.”




  “variables”: {},

  “resources”: [


      “type”: “Microsoft.Web/sites”,

      “apiVersion”: “2021-06-01”,

      “name”: “[parameters(‘siteName’)]”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “properties”: {

        “serverFarmId”: “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Web/serverfarms’, ‘myAppServicePlan’)]”


      “dependsOn”: [

        “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Web/serverfarms’, ‘myAppServicePlan’)]”




      “type”: “Microsoft.Web/serverfarms”,

      “apiVersion”: “2018-02-01”,

      “name”: “myAppServicePlan”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “properties”: {

        “name”: “myAppServicePlan”,

        “sku”: {

          “name”: “[parameters(‘sku’)]”





      “type”: “Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases”,

      “apiVersion”: “2019-06-01”,

      “name”: “[concat(parameters(‘siteName’), ‘/myDatabase’)]”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “properties”: {

        “collation”: “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”


      “dependsOn”: [

        “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Sql/servers’, ‘mySqlServer’)]”




      “type”: “Microsoft.Sql/servers”,

      “apiVersion”: “2019-06-01”,

      “name”: “mySqlServer”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “properties”: {

        “administratorLogin”: “dbAdmin”,

        “administratorLoginPassword”: “your_password”




  “outputs”: {

    “webAppName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “value”: “[parameters(‘siteName’)]”





What does this template do?

  • Defines parameters for the web app name, pricing tier, and database name.
  • Creates a web app resource and associates it with a specific pricing tier.
  • Creates a server farm (App Service Plan) for the web app.
  • Creates an Azure SQL Database and an SQL server for the database.
  • The output section provides the name of the web app for reference after deployment.


Example 3: Network infrastructure

ARM templates can describe complex network infrastructures, such as virtual networks, subnets, security groups, and load balancers, streamlining the setup of network environments for different projects or applications.

This example template deploys a network infrastructure, including virtual networks, subnets, network security groups (NSGs), and a load balancer:

json script block


  “$schema”: “https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#”,

  “contentVersion”: “”,

  “parameters”: {

    “virtualNetworkName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Name for the virtual network.”



    “subnetName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Name for the subnet.”



    “addressPrefix”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “metadata”: {

        “description”: “Address prefix for the virtual network (e.g., ‘’).”




  “variables”: {},

  “resources”: [


      “type”: “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks”,

      “apiVersion”: “2020-07-01”,

      “name”: “[parameters(‘virtualNetworkName’)]”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “properties”: {

        “addressSpace”: {

          “addressPrefixes”: [







      “type”: “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets”,

      “apiVersion”: “2020-07-01”,

      “name”: “[concat(parameters(‘virtualNetworkName’), ‘/’, parameters(‘subnetName’))]”,

      “dependsOn”: [

        “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks’, parameters(‘virtualNetworkName’))]”


      “properties”: {

        “addressPrefix”: “”




      “type”: “Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups”,

      “apiVersion”: “2020-07-01”,

      “name”: “myNSG”,

      “location”: “East US”



      “type”: “Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers”,

      “apiVersion”: “2020-07-01”,

      “name”: “myLoadBalancer”,

      “location”: “East US”,

      “dependsOn”: [

        “[resourceId(‘Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks’, parameters(‘virtualNetworkName’))]”,





  “outputs”: {

    “virtualNetworkName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “value”: “[parameters(‘virtualNetworkName’)]”





What does this template do?

  • Defines the virtual network name, subnet name, and address prefix parameters.
  • Creates a virtual network with the specified address space.
  • Creates a subnet within the virtual network.
  • Creates a Network Security Group (NSG) named “myNSG” for security rules.
  • Creates a load balancer named “myLoadBalancer.”


Benefits of Azure Resource Manager

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) offers many advantages that make it an invaluable tool for managing and deploying resources in the Azure cloud environment. Here, we explore some key benefits:

  • Azure Resource Manager serves as a centralized orchestration engine, simplifying Azure resource deployment and management by offering a unified control plane for consistent resource creation, modification, and deletion.
  • ARM templates allow you to define infrastructure as code to ensure the desired state of resources, thus promoting consistency and predictability in deployments across various environments and project stages.
  • ARM seamlessly integrates with Azure’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system, providing fine-grained access control for maintaining security and compliance, ensuring the principle of least privilege is upheld.
  • Azure Resource Manager simplifies resource dependency management, ensuring that resources are provisioned and updated in the correct order, minimizing errors and enhancing resource consistency when dealing with interconnected resources.
  • ARM templates facilitate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices, enabling collaboration, version control, and repeatability. Templates stored in version control systems like Git allow for tracking changes over time and support team collaboration, resulting in well-documented configurations.
  • Templates are also scalable and efficient, allowing resource provisioning, updates, and deprovisioning across projects and environments. This scalability optimizes resource utilization and cost-effectiveness.
  • ARM, in combination with Azure Policy, provides a robust framework for implementing and enforcing governance practices, ensuring security, compliance, and operational standards are consistently maintained across Azure resources, with policies associated at the resource group level.

Empower and support ARM with NinjaOne

NinjaOne is the ideal solution for MSPs and IT professionals aiming to maximize the potential of Azure Resource Manager. Our world-class RMM tool offers centralized resource management, automation, security and compliance enforcement, cost optimization, collaborative features, and advanced monitoring capabilities. 

With NinjaOne, IT teams gain insights, streamline workflows, enhance security, optimize resource utilization, and ensure efficient operations, all within a collaborative and well-controlled environment.

If you’re ready to try NinjaOne, schedule a demo or start your 14-day trial and see why so many organizations and MSPs choose NinjaOne as their RMM partner!

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