Handling COVID-Related Requests for Discounts, Deferrals, and Cancellations

G2 Leader - Summer 2024
G2 Best Relationship - Summer 2024
G2 Momentum Leader - Summer 2024
G2 Most Implementable - Summer 2024

Hear how fellow MSPs are adapting their approach to client communication in response to COVID-19.

This MSP Live Chat session resulted in a lot of interesting discussion and shared solutions around the following:

  • How to deal with contract changes / cancelation requests
  • Whether to offer discounts or defer payments
  • Ways you’re being proactive with client communication
  • Wins: How you’re inspiring calm and confidence during all this
  • How some are continuing to close and onboard new clients

Note: This MSP Live Chat took place on April 9, 2020
Before you watch, pull up the agenda doc for this session.

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