Adapting to the Digital Future: IT Efficiency in 2021

Increasing devices and complexity slows IT teams due to inefficient IT management practices.

In the last year, the dual pressures of accelerating digital transformation and delivering seamless remote experiences have challenged IT teams to fundamentally adapt. Facing constrained budgets, threats from would-be cybercriminals, and a surge in new remote devices, their role has grown both increasingly critical and increasingly complex.

NinjaOne’s latest report looks at the top challenges and trends impacting IT efficiency. Read the report to learn how manual processes could be costing IT teams time, money, and exposing them to new risk.

Key findings:

  • Assessing the needs of IT and addressing a shortage of skilled labor are the largest hurdles to IT management.
  • Internal IT departments are turning to MSPs to oversee cloud management, infrastructure management, and desktop support.
  • Businesses are continuing to make
    investments into their IT management
    tools and procedures.

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