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Produkter som brukes:

Business Cloud Triples Growth After Switching from Datto to NinjaOne

  • Complex and unreliable solution
  • Lack of transparency
  • Lack of scalability
  • Sluggish remote access
  • Reliable, intuitive solution
  • Automated patch management
  • Tripled client base
  • Lightening fast, cloud-based interface
Business Cloud black logo




Produkter som brukes:


Since 2013, Business Cloud has provided top-rated technology services to its clients, focusing on dramatically reducing IT costs through server-free business technology. In 2017, its partnership with Datto grew stagnant, so Evan Oberman, CTO of Business Cloud, sought a new, more efficient way to provide the concierge-level support their clients expected. Learn how Business Cloud’s partnership with NinjaOne tripled its business and improved service delivery.

Easy to learn, easy to use

«NinjaOne has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Our staff picked it up very quickly. Our technicians spend more time providing exceptional support to clients instead of learning and managing our RMM,» said Oberman.

Automations unlock growth

“In the past few years, we’ve grown from managing around 250 client endpoints to managing well over 1000. We’re able to do more per technician now by shifting basic maintenance and remediation onto NinjaOne so our technicians can focus on more complex tasks,» said Oberman.

A transparent partnership

“The biggest difference for me between Datto and NinjaOne is transparency,” Oberman explained. “During the sales process with Datto, there were significant product weaknesses they kept hidden…NinjaOne offers a ton of transparency, clearly communicating bugs before we notice them and providing a roadmap we can see (and vote on) at any time.”

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