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Nashville, TN

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3 Reasons Why Metis Technology Switched from N-able to NinjaOne

  • Lack of innovation
  • Lack of security
  • Lack of support
  • Lack of efficiency
  • All-in-one, future-proof solution
  • SentinelOne integration saves 15 minutes per device
  • Fully supported migration of 1,300 clients in 14 days
  • 50% time-reduction for new client onboarding
Metis logo black



Nashville, TN

Anvendte produkter:


For any MSP, switching RMMs is the one operational chore companies hope to avoid. However, for Rick Mitchell, president of Metis Technology, that decision was simplified when his team confirmed that their previous RMM solution, N-able N-central, was no longer driving efficiencies for the company. Learn how partnering with NinjaOne drives meaninful gains for Metis Technology.

Built for scale

“It only took a little over two weeks to deploy NinjaOne to all 1,300 of our clients’ endpoints,” said Andrew Givens, NOC engineer. “NinjaOne has made us more efficient and more effective. If we were to add another 1,000 endpoints tomorrow, we have the infrastructure in place to handle that scale,” said Mitchell.

New-client onboarding made easy

“New-client onboarding is 50% faster with NinjaOne,” said Givens. “We’ve revolutionized our onboarding process thanks to NinjaOne. Now, it’s like an automated production line,” said Billy Murchison, director of operations.

Intuitive, easy to learn UI

“We actually just had a new employee start today. It only took her 90 minutes to get up to speed with NinjaOne,” said Givens. “The user interface is one of the best that we’ve seen. We were able to sign-in and pretty much know where everything was right off the bat,” said Carson Crance, help desk engineer.

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