


Anvendte produkter:

How Syscomm Group Bolsters Security and Drives Efficiency with NinjaOne

  • Lenghty remote sessions
  • Dedicated RMM Manager
  • Lengthy patching
  • Lack of security
  • Reduced average remote sesson by 50%
  • Eliminated the need for an RMM manager
  • 99% time-reduction in patching
  • Stopped 15-20 ransomware attacks in one year
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Anvendte produkter:


The Syscomm Group is a managed service provider offering managed IT, network security, and cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes. Ranked in MSPmentor’s World’s Top 501 Providers, Syscomm has built a strong reputation as the go-to MSP for implementing and monitoring security. Before NinjaOne, The Syscomm Group used Datto RMM to manage and secure their endpoints. The tool was complex and required a dedicated manager to perform basic functionalities. In 2017, the IT team opted for an easy-to-use and efficient solution, NinjaOne. Learn how NinjaOne drives radical efficiency and security for The Syscomm Group.

Intuitive, user-friendly UI

“When we were using Datto, we had one employee who was fully dedicated to getting the most out of our RMM. NinjaOne is so easy to use and learn…that when we switched to NinjaOne, we no longer needed an RMM manager,” said Martin Wells, CEO at The Syscomm Group.

Automated patching gives time back

“One recent example of how NinjaOne saves us time was the recent print nightmare issue from Microsoft,” said Wells. “Without NinjaOne [the patch] would have taken 1-2 weeks to roll out, instead it took a couple of hours.”

Safe-guarding against ransomware attacks

“We’re using NinjaOne to proactively detect changes in files and directories that should not be changed,” said Wells. “In the past year alone, we’ve probably stopped 15 – 20 attacks with our ransomware detection solution alone.”

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